F Series Paper Sizes
Updated: March 6, 2023
This page contains about F Series Paper Sizes in mm, cm, inch. It is a Hypothetic F4-based paper, and it shows how this format can be generalized into an entire format series. It is includes F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10. The size called F4 sometimes called Folio in some countries, while others also called Foolscap and Long Bond.
F4 Paper Size
Updated: March 3, 2023
This article contains about F4 or Folio or Foolscap, size in mm, cm, inch. It is one of a transitional sheet size and sometimes also called Long Bond. It is a standard F Series Sizes as an additional.
The Arch Sizes – Arch A / 1, Arch B / 2, Arch C / 3, Arch D / 3, Arch E / 4, Arch E1 / 5 (mm, cm, inch)
Updated: March 2, 2023
This page contains about The Arch Series Paper Sizes, Standard Dimensions or Length and Width of Architectural, Arch Size in mm, cm, inch. It is includes Arch A, Arch B, Arch C, Arch D, Arch E, Arch E1 or Arch 1, Arch 2, Arch 3, Arch 4, Arch 5, Arch 6. The current standard sizes are unique for some countries.
RAW Series Paper Sizes
Updated: February 26, 2023
This page contains about RAW Series Paper Sizes in mm, cm, inch, RA and SRA Standard Dimensions or Length and Width of Metric Sizes. RAW Series Paper Sizes Standard are untrimmed sheet sizes. RA stands for RAW format A and SRA stands for Supplementary-RAW format A.
Paper Sizes – Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger, Junior Legal, Half Letter, Government (mm, cm, inch)
Updated: February 21, 2023
This page contains about US Paper Sizes in mm, cm, inch, North and Latin American Standard Dimensions or Length and Width of Papers